Hands are our Life is a specialty Hand Therapy and Upper Limb clinic


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Hands are our Life - Specialty treatment provided:

Wound care:

From “clean” post-operative one suture line to open wounds of crushed fingers and post skin grafts. Stiches removal, changes of dressings and care advice to patients.

Oedema management:

Application of co-ban (low force compressive self-adhesive bandage), iso-toner glove, patient self-management advice.

Scar management:

Application of variety of silicone-based products to thick/raised keloid scars.

Fabrication of custom made splints:

Out of various thermoplastic and soft materials designed to best support the patient’s injury still allowing the safe movement of the un-injured joints.


Provision of best available braces and supports most suited for the patient’s needs.

Prescription of specialised rehabilitation programme:

Designed to increase mobility of the unnecessary stiff joints and musculo-tendinous units and strengthening exercises to enable faster recovery of function.

Return to work:

Advise and assessment of capability, work site assessments, advise on graduated return to work.

Pain management:

Based on the current research using strategies such as mirror therapy and mental imagery techniques and standard use of TENS and acupuncture techniques.

Plaster cast removal:

With specifically designed mechanics, we have a cast removal saw designed to safely remove plaster casts. The staff are specifically trained to handle and use this equipment.